I finished cutting and welding the last frame mount (diagonal 2"x0.25" flat bar) and welded 4"-6"x0.25" flat-bar re-enforcements to the open side of the C-channel between the mounting holes. The C-channel is 1"x2"x3/16". Everything looks to bolt up real nice. I painted everything I welded. I had some primer and old blue engine paint that I used since it is only to protect the metal and won't be visible. All mounting bolts, except the upper U-bolts (frame-to-downtubes) are grade 8. There will be two upper U-bolts (one each side) that are 5/16", but I plan to upgrade those to 3/8" if I can find them. There will also be one 7/16" bolt and three 3/8" bolts on each side. I've cut spacers for all but the widest two mounting points, the 7/16" bolts, as they defined the width of the frame. They will be threaded into where the engine guard was mounted (I drilled them out a little and re-tapped). I could not use through bolts here since the bottom of the hole in the boss is centered on the frame. Two of the other bolts will be through a boss welded at the bottom of the engine mounts, which was where the other engine guard bolted. I drilled this boss out a little too, and will through-bolt it. The other four are to the peg mounts. The left side I drilled out and will put through bolts, the right side I had to drill and tap since there was no access to where the nut would go on the back. All will have lock washers.
I think this will be plenty strong as the plan called for the U's (5/16") plus two threaded rods that spanned all the way across, one through an engine mount (~3/8") at the other where the pegs mounted (12mm) (I think). 11 hours.
Most of tomorrow will be spent picking up, cleaning up, and planing the next steps. If I have time, I'm going to bolt it up and test-fit the body to see if any modifications need to be made to accomodated using the Voyager XII powerplant.
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